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Why is it that some people have a ‘high pain threshold’?

EasyBirth™ NLPIndividuals with a very high pain threshold adopt unconscious behaviours , which enable them to divert their attention away from the source of pain and become less aware of these physical feelings. This approach means that they can experience pain, but  only consider it a ‘slight ache’. They do this automatically,  usually without knowing - these lucky people are just naturally good at avoiding physical pain!

Antonia Boyle at Alpha Waves PDS has carefully studied people like this, analysed their behaviour and ‘modelled’ what they are sub-consciously doing. Informed by the results of this study, Antonia has created a 90 minute training session that teaches expectant mums how  to do this too.

Expectant mums that have had a difficult experience of child birth in the past can be left with a post- traumatic response.  In this instance, it might be advisable for her to have more than one session. When the earlier experience has been traumatic, it is possible that she will relive the past experience, when she goes into labour. In turn, this can make the birth difficult. One or two NLP sessions is likely to remove this, so that the old trauma can be put behind her for good.

Why is it important to do the EasierBirth NLP Model?

During child birth it is especially important for the mother to be is as calm and relaxed as possible. If the mother loses control, and becomes stressed, the whole birthing process slows down. The body will go into ‘flight and fight response’. This means that the body responds to the stress and fear by flooding the body with hormones in readiness for action. This action is nothing to do with the work in hand, i.e. giving birth, but is designed to prepare the body to 'fight' the perceived danger or take ‘flight’ from the threat. This is an ancient, inbuilt response to protect us from danger, whether real or perceived. Meanwhile, the side effect of the stress hormones flooding the body is that the contractions of the womb slow down, and sometimes stop altogether,  while the rest of the body sorts out the ‘danger state’, which has been brought on by panic and the fear of pain. Result -  labour goes on much longer than is necessary!

How does it work?

  • About 4 weeks before the 'due date' the expectant mother and birthing partner(s) arrange a one-off sessions with one of our fully trained EasierBirth practitioners.
  • During the 90 minute session the mother-to-be and birthing partner(s) will learn a number of NLP techniques that will keep her as dissociated from her body as is necessary to give birth easily and safely.
  • Her birthing partner(s) will learn how to support her in those techniques during the childbirth.
  • In addition to this the birthing partner will learn an extremely effective relaxation technique. This technique includes some specific NLP techniques that will be used to enable the mother to be exceptionally relaxed and comfortable.
  • The birthing partner has to be committed to do these mental NLP exercises regularly during the time leading up to the actual birth with the expectant mother.
  • The use of the powerful NLP techniques and the practise sessions before the actual birth means that the birthing partner(s) does not need to do the complete technique with the mother during childbirth, but can use the NLP triggers that are part of this programme.
NB: If an expectant mother has had an earlier traumatic experience during pregnancy, child birth or if she has a phobia associated with any aspect of childbirth, it might be necessary for her to make another appointment to help her to relax in advance of the actual birth. This is usually resolved in 1 to 4 sessions.

What some of our EasierBirth clients have said:

I just wanted you to know that our baby, Clare Jane arrived safely. A water birth and labour was beautifully short. The NLP was so beneficial, thank you.
Vivienne Alves.

It was an amazing birth of 2hrs.and 20mins., and I never thought I could do it without an epidural. I imagined your hand on my shoulder! My first born was 12 hrs and difficult.
Mary Grigg

Just to let you know that, yes, I have had the baby, and the NLP really did help. Dante was born at 6.34 am and I only went to hospital at ten to 5 and I only had to push for 4 minutes. I was home by 2pm as there had been no intervention or stitches. Thanks you so much.