What is Alpha Waves PDS?
In 1985 Antonia Boyle founded Alpha Waves Personal Development Systems to provide Stress Management Courses to Industry as well as to the Public Sector. Since then the company has blossomed into much wider fields. Alpha Waves PDS is now the umbrella organisation for Alpha Waves Training and Coaching, MindCoach – Smoking Cessation, and The Westerham NLP Practice.
In 1995 after completing her NLP training, Antonia began consulting clients with personal issues and this now forms a large part of the company’s work at The Westerham NLP Practice.
The firm foundation of all training, therapy and coaching is Neuro Linguistic Programming. In addition, we use Meditation Therapy and EFT to resolve personal and professional issues.
At Alpha Waves we draw on the skills of a number of highly qualified NLP Master Practitioners who excel in their own specific field of excellence.
About our Events.
Our events are open to all. You can visit our courses and events for Personal Development, CPD, or simply FUN!
Some courses are primary ‘skills’ orientated such as Advanced Communication Skills, Sales Skills, Customer Care Skills, Train the Trainer, Presentation Skills, etc.
Others such as our ‘LONG MORNING YOGA’ sessions are there for you to have a relaxing and interesting Sunday Morning! We do a workshop, meditation practice and yoga class.
Our ‘LONG EVENING TRAININGS’ can be anything from ‘Self Hypnosis’, EFT, Intro to NLP, Specific NLP techniques for beginners or Meditation. We often invite well-known trainers and teachers to these events. Many more topics are covered. Just click EVENTS regularly.
The Residential Yoga and Detox 3 day holiday course is held at Aylesford Priory in Kent twice a year, with known tutors, and this again is open to all.
Once a year we run a 3-day Intensive NLP Foundation Course.