YOGA Training

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The Alpha Waves’ Yoga slogan is:


(Always remembering that mind and body are one; so whatever you do with your body affects your mind, and verse versa.)

At Alpha Waves we use modern up-to-date techniques and methods to help people develop their physical yoga. Antonia has studied the anatomy of the moving body over many years. She has been fortunate to have been able to learn from gifted teachers, such as Angela and Ken Thompson, who are experienced yoga tutors as well as Alexander Technique teachers. Over many years she has been able to take advice from Professor Amanda Squires who trained Physiotherapists at King’s College Hospital in London, and many more outstanding, knowledgeable and exceptional yoga tutors, including, more recently, Peter Blackaby and John Stirk.

In addition to this she also uses the methodology of Neuro Linguistic Programming to enhance her communication skills, so that her students feel at ease in a class and constantly surprise themselves with the fast progress they are making in their practices.

What can you expect at our courses and classes? A brief outline:

Antonia likes to promote other Yoga tutors and often we have the privilege of being able to work with some very special and experienced guest teachers.
Antonia always welcomes requests for specific content for the sessions.
Unless otherwise stated all classes/courses are suitable for all levels of experience or in-experience.
Often sessions might be suitable for your CPD requirements.


During the ‘Long Morning’ or ‘Long Evening’ yoga sessions you will have a 4-hour class. These will include:

  • A 2 hours yoga posture class, usually paying attention on one or two aspects of your body.
  • A brief fruit juice break.
  • A long relaxation.
  • Then a short talk on one of the many aspects of Yoga.
  • A practical session of for example: yoga breathing (pranayama), or learning a particular meditation technique.



  • During the 4 hour session you will learn some easy methods to take control over an unruly mind.
  • You’ll discover that you can learn to meditate.
  • You will be given some very practical tools to do so immediately.
  • You will find out why it might have been difficult for you in the past.
  • You will learn about the amazing benefits of meditation to your general health and wellbeing.


This is 5 hour contact time and 1 hour lunch break.

  • During the 3 hour morning session it is usual to have a posture class and to include some workshop work.
  • One hour lunch break
  • Long relaxation
  • Discussion
  • The practice of aspects of yoga, such as Pranayama, Bandhas, Meditation, Chakras, etc, etc.



Specific courses for Yoga tutors and trainees are constantly being developed. One of the more popular ones that are run regularly for the British Wheel of Yoga as an ISET course, and also as an ‘Open Course’ by Antonia is the Yoga and NLP course. See details below. This course is restricted to Yoga Teachers and Trainees and could be used as CPD hours.

Advanced Communication Skills for yoga tutors:

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is now recognised worldwide as the way forward for applied psychology. Its applications are manifold. You might have come across NLP in relation to therapy or coaching, however, NLP is equally at home in advanced communication skills used by exceptional teachers and trainers. All sales people, therapists, teachers, trainers, parents and anyone who is influential and successful, are of course aware of the power of words and physical actions. NLP has ‘modelled’, or studied in great depth, these exceptional communicators, and developed a number of models and techniques, so that all of us can learn the skills and qualities these people use automatically. Even outstanding communicators will benefit from NLP training, as they will increase their powers of communication by becoming consciously aware of what they already automatically do when they are being highly effective.

Applying some of the NLP models to teaching Yoga will make you immediately more effective. You will be surprised how your students ‘suddenly’ can do much more than they believed possible. This will be demonstrated on this training day during your own practice. Your students will feel even more that you are on the same wavelength as they are, and will get a sense of really being understood, resulting in a greater feeling of trust – most of this happens outside our normal conscious awareness.

Some of the practical skills that you will learn on this one-day training are:

  • How to use a relaxation model that Antonia has adapted for yoga, which is generally accepted as one of the most effective, both for working with groups and individuals.
  • How to apply the principles of NLP to choosing a specific meditation form that is appropriate to the individual.
  • How to help your students reach their full potential, both in the physical and mental aspects of yoga

Everything you learn on the day you can use straight away, easily and safely. Above all, the course is fun and highly practical, with a small amount of theory.

It is important that you come with an open mind prepared to have a go, and a commitment to do all the NLP exercises.

The format of the day will be a mix of practical asanas, relaxation/meditation and talks/discussion. It will not be the ‘typical’ asana in the morning and theory in the afternoon training session.

Your Trainer is Antonia Boyle, who in addition to having worked for many years as a yoga teacher/trainer is a Master Practitioner of NLP and an NLP Health Specialist, and a trainer of many years standing. She works one to one with clients as a Coach and Therapist. She runs in-house training courses and open courses in a variety of topics.